Thursday, December 13, 2007

PSP Game Downloads Options For PSP Fans by Ivanovich Cuxev

The PSP has become a very popular device in the video game world. The portability is great, but buying the video games for this device might become expensive. This could limit the number of video games you have for your portable unit. Lucky for you, another option is available and that is PSP game downloads.

Buying games for your Playstation portable unit can bring about some issues. Such as; limited availability on games, and the possibility of not being able to afford them. You won't run across these issues with Playstation portable game downloads.

You may be able to save yourself some cash and limit the amount of time at the store trying to buy games for your PSP by turning to the internet and using game downloads instead. There are plenty of websites that make it available for you to download free games for you portable unit as well as movies, music, themes and wallpaper. Sounds great right?

There will be different options available to you when you make way on your search for Playstation portable game downloads. You may find website that are completely free, and will allow you to download games for your device and you won't ever need to pay any fees. This option may cause some issues such as limited number of games and possibility of spy ware and adware.

Another option for downloading games online are websites that have a free membership. One issue with this type of option is the website will then charge a fee per download.

PSP devices allow consumers to play games, movies and music. The unique and useful feature of the such unit is the ability to let a user download games directly to the memory stick. This useful feature has opened the doors for dozens of PSP download websites. Such sites allow owners to download games, movies and music directly to the Playstation portable device.

This is how a PSP site works:

First, download a game file from the PSP website directly to your computer's hard drive. Then, transfer the game file to a your portable unit via USB cable. Having the device connected to the PC, open your explorer window, drag and drop the files downloaded onto the PC directly to the memory stick. Make sure to place each file in the correct folder or path to ensure the application works. For example a game file goes into the PSP directory and game sub-folder. Turn off the unit and disconnect it from the computer after the game files are fully transferred to the memory stick . To access the game files downloaded, select Games on the main menu and then the memory stick option. A list of the game files downloaded should appear in the list.

The best option available are websites that allow you to pay a one time small fee and then you are able to download unlimited number of free games without paying any fees per download. After you have registered you are then able to download as many free PSP games as you would like. Another plus to this option is your looking at faster and safer downloads.

PSPonlineInfo offers more info about psp game downloads and other games. For the latest PSP news and a review on the best psp game downloads sites, check out PSP Game Downloads or today.

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