Sunday, January 27, 2008

WoW Warlock Guide

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One of the most powerful World of Warcraft classes is, without a doubt, the Warlock class. They have the capability of casting a myriad of curses on their foes, the ability to summon allies from the abyss to help out during a fight, drain the mana and life of their foes, terrify their enemies by making them flee the battle in fear, and they even have the option of casting powerfully devastating spells using their shadow ability. All of these things are what help make the Warlock a very formidable World of Warcraft class.

Because of their immense power and numerous abilities, Warlocks are capable of bringing fights swiftly to an end. Their capability to drain the mana and life of their opponents gives them the distinct advantage to be at full life when the battle ends.

There are 3 Warlock ability trees and each one is related to a different facet of the Warlock class.
If you are looking to inflict a large amount of damage upon your foes in a very short length of time then the Destruction tree will be right up your alley. The Destruction tree is centered on the ability of the Warlock to destroy their enemies in merely a few seconds flat. The Destruction tree also allows you to utilize some instant abilities that can be quite handy in PvP.

The second tree is the Demonology tree which centers on enhancing the abilities of the Warlock’s pets. The pets you will receive for the Warlock class are: the Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter, and Felguard. If you like your pets and want to buff them to enhance their combat abilities in PvP or PvE then the Demonology is for you. Many WoW players also utilize their pets for grinding by casting a few Damage over Time spells and leaving the rest of the damage for their pets to handle. You and your pets can also gain other benefits from the Demonology tree like +resistances among other things.

The third and final tree is the Affliction tree. The Affliction tree allows you to improve upon the ability to de-buff your foes. This will give you the advantage of gaining extra time to deal more damage while allowing you to keep your distance between you and your foes by slowing them down. By using the Exhaustion curse you will give yourself the advantage of being able to caste your more powerful spells while the enemy is delayed. This is particularly handy during PvP battles.

Finally, with the release of the World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion, the Demonology path has become quite a powerful build option thanks to the addition of Felguard. Yes, there are other powerful talent builds that are possible, but if you want the ultimate pet Felguard is your beast.

Miles Tyler is an avid gamer and World of Warcraft enthusiast. He enjoys WoW and also loves helping others to ehance their WoW gaming experience. [ ]Visit this site to find out about more World of Warcraft strategies and resources.

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

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